Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How is it Already the Last Wednesday of September?!

Seriously though, where did September go, and why in the world are we still having triple digit weather here?!  I miss fall weather, and leaves that change colors, and the ability to wear scarves without fearing it will cause me to have heat stroke.

Anyway...on to this week's Hodgepodge questions!  Joyce always has such great questions for us to answer.  You should go visit her over at From This Side of the Pond and play along with us!

1. The Wednesday Hodgepodge this week falls on John Chapman's birth date.  He's more famously known as Johnny Appleseed...what's your favorite variety of apple? 

  • I'm going to have to go with Granny Smith apples.  I love that they're a little more on the sour side.  In general though, I love all apples.  I'm not too picky.

2.   When did you last say 'ick'? 

  • Today at lunch when my co-worker tried to convince me that the brats they were serving for lunch were really tasty.  I'm not a hot dog eater at all, and I'm really picky when it comes to sausage, and they just looked gross today.

3.   Do you think there's a generation gap?  Explain. 

  • I think so, and I think technology is a large reason why.  The massive technology boom that's taken place over the last couple of decades has really split the generations.  For those who knew what life was like pre-internet, it's not a necessity.  But for those who grew up/are growing up with all of this technology, a life without the instant gratification that comes from having gadgets like iPods, smart phones and tablets is an absolutely ridiculous notion.  I feel like my life is split between the two.  We didn't have the internet until I was in junior high school.  I grew up playing outside with the neighbors and being active and finding imaginative ways to entertain myself.  I cherished time spent with my relatives at family dinners, and I still think it's rude to be on the phone/tablet/gameboy (or whatever the current cool handheld gaming system is) while at the dinner table.  Don't get me wrong, I love my iPhone, iPad and MacBook, but I'm so grateful that I had a child hood where the new cool technology was Super Nintendo, and it was absurd to think that one day people would be camping out at a store to buy a cell phone.

4.  What's on your computer screen saver?  Do you leave it alone or change it often? 

  • It's one of the random graphic things that came with my laptop.  I think I've changed it twice in the over four years I've owned said laptop.

5.  If you had the attention of the entire world for two minutes, what would you say?

  • Wow, only two minutes to talk to the entire world?  That's a lot of pressure to say something profound in a very short period of time.  I guess I would say something along the lines of, "Dear World, I hope some day we can all come to the realization that we're just human.  Everyone makes mistakes, and we're all different, and that's what makes us awesome.  Can't we all just please get along and stop trying to kill each other all the time?  Thanks."  It's not very profound, and I'm sure it wouldn't make a difference, but it's how I feel.

6.  Four fashion trends to try this fall are-brocade/jacquard (fancy printed fabrics), peplum, lace, and printed pants...which of these four would you be most likely to wear? 

  • I think lace is the only one I'm willing to go with.  I like to keep things pretty simple in my wardrobe.  I'm not real big on prints, but maybe if I found the right one I'd be willing to try it out.

7.  What can make your bad day better?

  • Any of a number of things.  Here's a short list: Ice Cream, Brownies, Tequila, Dancing it Out, Drinking Tequila (or Mango Malibu Rum) while Dancing it Out, Wine, My Girlfriends, My Family, Starbucks, A Good Run/Work Out, A Hug, A Song, Sleep.  It really depends on what made the day bad to begin with.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

  • I'm glad the Diamondback have started winning some baseball games, but I'm frustrated that they waiting until the end of September to do it.


Gerri said...

Love your answers! Especially the one about the generation are spot on :)

retired not tired said...

Great answers. I love your #7 - all of it.

Joyce said...

Well the O's were winning early and are not looking so good now so that's disappointing too.

Seems like most everybody agrees with you on #5...I wish that's what the media focused on instead of the rabble rousers. Ha-that term rabble rouser probably confirms a generation gap exists : )